Woman demands full refund from photographer after divorce | Trending | Times Of Ahmedabad

People hire wedding photographers to capture the moments from their big day that can be cherished for years to come. Some couples appreciate the work of their photographers so much that they contact them again for future events. However, a woman contacted her wedding photographer four years after her big day with an unexpected request. She demanded a refund, citing divorce as the reason. Yes, you read that right!

A screengrab of the viral WhatsApp chat. (Twitter/@LanceRomeo)
A screengrab of the viral WhatsApp chat. (Twitter/@LanceRomeo)

At first, the photographer thought that it was a prank. However, he later realised that she was serious and believed that she was ‘entitled to a refund’ because of her marital status. The photographer denied her request and shared the screenshots of their WhatsApp chat on Twitter. As expected, they went viral and received numerous responses from netizens.

“I swear my life is a movie. You can’t make this stuff up,” reads the caption of the WhatsApp screenshot shared by Twitter user Lance Romeo Photography. In the screenshot, the woman says, “I don’t know if you still remember me. You did a photoshoot for me at my wedding in Durban in 2019.” She adds, “Well, I’m now divorced, and those pictures — I and my ex-husband don’t need them anymore. You did a wonderful job on them, but they went to waste as we are now divorced. I will need a refund of the amount we paid you because we don’t need them anymore.” The photographer then asks if it was a joke, but the woman insists it was not. The photographer denies giving her a refund, saying he ‘can’t untake the pictures.’

The exchange continues with the woman saying she is ‘entitled to demand a refund’ as she no longer needs those pictures, but the photographer refuses to budge. The woman then threatens to take a legal action, to which the photographer agrees.

After the screenshots of the WhatsApp conversation went viral, the woman’s ex-husband contacted the photographer. On the condition of anonymity, he shared, “I read the articles. I apologise on her behalf.” He also added that it is “embarrasing”.

Since being shared on April 11, the primary tweet has accumulated over 3.8 lakh views, and the numbers are still increasing. The share has also prompted many to leave their thoughts in the comments section, with many saying that they are waiting for the woman to say that ‘it’s a prank’.

Here’s how people reacted to the viral tweet:

“I can’t untake the pictures,” posted an individual with laughing emoticons. “There is noooooo way she is serious! The lawyer in me now wants to do a self moot and see how I’d deal with it if she was my client… but again… I suspect she wouldn’t be able to pay my fees… or later ask for a refund after we lose,” joked another. A third added, “It’s not a refund that’s needed here!” “Waiting for the part where she says it’s a prank,” added a fourth. A fifth commented, “I love how professional you were with your answers. But it was a prank, right? Cause wow! This is so wild. I have a friend that got divorced even before her wedding pics came, and she didn’t even ask for a refund, cause that is just not how it works!”

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