Artist’s incredible portrait of co-passenger wows people | Trending | Times Of Ahmedabad

Have you ever seen those videos where artists create live sketches of strangers they meet during their journey? Vishnu Dineshan is one such artist who loves creating incredible portraits of people. A video shared on his personal Instagram page shows him doing just that and drawing the portrait of a co-passenger during train travel.

The image shows the artist creating the portrait of a co-passenger.(Instagram/@vishnudineshan_)
The image shows the artist creating the portrait of a co-passenger.(Instagram/@vishnudineshan_)

“I was on a train at night, the carriage was mostly empty, but I noticed a person travelling alone below me. As an artist, I couldn’t resist the urge to sketch them. With each stroke of the pen, I tried to capture the mystery and allure of this person. When I showed them the finished sketch, the smile on their face made me feel like for a brief moment, I looked up to find them staring back at me, a slight smile on their face. The sketch in my hand was a reminder of that fleeting connection, and I knew I would never forget it. Live sketch,” Dineshan wrote while posting the video.

The clip opens to show the man sitting on a side lower berth in a train. It then captures how Dineshan creates an incredible portrait of the man. The video ends with the man reacting to his sketch by Dineshan.

Take a look at the video:

The video was posted on April 16. Since being shared, the clip has gone viral. Till now, it has accumulated close to 7.6 million views and the numbers are only increasing. The share has also gathered several likes and comments.

Here’s how Instagram users reacted:

“Good talent. That smile from him,” shared an Instagram user. “Still wondering how you did it perfectly in a limited time,” posted another. “Extraordinary skills,” commented a third. “Ohh man that’s so good,” wrote a fourth.

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